chocolate mint cupcakesSweets Marie: Sweet of the Month

So you want to try all of these tantilizing American sweets but don't know where to start. "Sweet of the Month" is a way to sample many flavors. The Sweet of the Month subscription offers single or multiple delicious sweets every month delivered to your home or office.

You can opt for a single person subscription or for a multiple person subscription depending on the number of mouths and sizes of appetites.

An example of a Single Person Sweet of the Month:

  • First Month: 2 Lemon Pucker Cupcakes
  • Second Month: 1/4 of a Pumpkin Pie
  • Third Month: 6 Chocolate Macadamia Nut, White Chocolate Chip Cookies.


  Monthly Price Per Person Total Monthly Price
Single $5.95/month $5.95
Double $5.50/month $11.00
Family $5.15/month $18.95

Delivery is not included in the price, Pick-up can also be arranged.

Subscription Lengths: 3 or 6 months

Membership Benefits:

Subscrtion Length Membership Benefits
6 months 10% Discount on all other orders

chocolate chip cookiesThis is a great gift for any occasion, and can be customized to your needs.

How it works: the first weekend or week of every month (depending on your availability), your sweets will be delivered to your door. After that, it is a matter of waiting for the next batch of sweets, or giving into tempation and ordering something else from SweetsMarie in between.